Anthracranose of Avocado, CTAHR
Avocado Lace Bug, UC Riverside and UC IPM
Farmers BookShelf, Department of Horticulture, UH Manoa
‘Green Gold’, A Late Season Avocado, CTAHR
Hawaii Avocado Industry Analysis, Part 1: Supply Focus, CTAHR
Hawaii Avocado Industry Analysis, Part 2: Buyer Preference Focus, CTAHR
Malama, An Early Fall Avocado, CTAHR
‘Sharwil’ Avocado Identification, CTAHR
Variety Trials, CTAHR
What Makes a Good Avocado Cultivar Good, CTAHR
Black Pod Rot of Cacao Caused by Phytophthora Palmivora, CTAHR
Fingerprinting of Cacao Germplasm in Hawaii, HARC
The Economics of Cacao Production In Kona, CTAHR
Microfermentation of Cacao, the CTAHR Bag System
Mango Anthracnose, CTAHR
Mango Culture in Hawaii, CTAHR
Mango Disease and Their Control, CTAHR
The Mango Loa Project, Innovative Orchard Management Systems, SARE
Mango Postharvest Quality-Maintenance Guidelines, CTAHR
Mango Powdery Mildew, CTAHR
Mango Rootstocks: A Literature Review & Interviews, Tropical Fruit Consultant
Mango University, Makaha Mangoes
Origin and Classification of Mango Varieties in Hawaii, CTAHR
Breadfruit Agroforestry Guide, Elevitch
Breadfruit from Orchard to Table and Around the Glob (Germplasm repository) NTBG
Breadfruit Production Guide, Recommended Practices for Growing, Harvesting, and Handling
Ho'oulu ka 'Ulu—Revitalizing Breadfruit
Maintaining an Established Breadfruit Orchard, Mililani Ag Park/HARC
Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry, Traditional Tree Initiative
Multi-Fruit & Agro-forestry
Agroforestry Library, Agroforestry.org
Fruit & Nut Crops, Publication Listing CTAHR
Hawaii State Plan: To Enhance the Competitiveness of Feldgling Speciality Crops, USDA Speciality Crop Block Grant
Increasing the Supply of Specialty Crop Fruit Trees for Growers in Hawaii, USDA SCBG/HTFG
Twelve Fruits with Potential Value-Added and Culinary Uses, CTAHR
Quick Harvest and Postharvest Tips for Better Quality and Longer Postharvest Life, CTAHR